APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20 (2009)

16. Aggregates in Chromonic Liquid Crystal Phases of Aqueous Solutions of Sunset Yellow, L. Joshi, S.W. Kang, and S. Kumar.

17. Semi-crystalline PMMA Stereocomplex Fibers, M. Crne, S.-W. Kang, J.-O. Park, S. Kumar, and M. Srinivasarao.

18. Liquid Crystalline Behaviors of H-Bonded Dimer Formed from the Semi-Phasmidic Type Carboxylic Acid, S.-W. Kang, S.-W. Kang, S. Kumar, V. Prasad, and S. K. Varshney.

19. Unconventional Dimerization in Mesogenic Semi-Phasmidic Type Carboxylic Acid, S.-W. Kang, S.-Y. Jeong, D. M. Agra-Kooijman, S. Kumar, V. Prasad, and S. K. Varshney.

20. The Shape and Conformation of the Mesogenic Group in Tetrapodic Liquid Crystals, H.-G. Yoon, S.W. Kang, G. H. Mehl, and S. Kumar.

21. A crystalline organic semiconductor grown from a mesophase: A test of polaron band theory, N. Shakya, C. Pokhrel, B. Ellman, S.-W. Kang, S. Kumar, Y. Getmanenko, R. Twieg.

22. Interaction and unfolding of a model exchangeable apolipoprotein, apoLpIII, at lipid model membranes, E. E. Kooijman, D. Vaknin, W. Bu, L. Joshi, S.-W. Kang, K. N.J. Burger, and S. Kumar, 53rd Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Feb. 28- March 4 (2009).

23. Effective Inhibition of Buffer Salt Crystallization in the frozen Solution by Lyoprotectants, P. Sundramurthy, E. Shalaev, D. Varshney, S. Kumar, S-W Kang, L.A. Gatling, and R. Suryanarayanan, Presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 16-20, (2008).

24. Anomalous Behavior of Ice in Aqueous Pharmaceutical Solutions at Sub-zero Temperatures: A Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Study, E. Y. Shalaev, D. B. Varshney, S. Kumar, L. A. Gatlin, R. Suryanarayanan, and J. A. Elliott, International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics,  in Warsaw, Poland around August 3 (2008).


22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju Island, S. Korea, June 28- July 4 (2008)

25. DNMR Studies of the Orientational Order of a Banana Shaped Liquid Crystal, V. Pandya, V. Prasad, B. Zalar, S. Kumar, D. Finotello.

26. Mesophases of Chiral and Achiral Aggregates Based on Chromonic Perylene Mesogens, S.-W. Kang, L. Joshi, Y.-J. Bae, J. J. Naidu, K.-U. Jeong, M.-H. Lee, and S. Kumar.

27. Structural Model of Nano-aggregates Formed by Sunset Yellow in its Lyotropic Mesophases, S.-W. Kang, L. Joshi, and S. Kumar.

28. Chromonic Liquid Crystals of a different kind, Supramolecular Anisotropic Phases, David Jenkins, J.-O. Park, M. Srinivasarao, S.-W. Kang, and S. Kumar.

29. Nature Inspired Liquid Crystalline Porphyrins for Organic Photovoltaics, Q. Li, X. Zhou, L. Li, J. Harden, A. Jakli, S.-W. Kang, S. Kumar, Q. Sun, L. Dai, R. R. Kulkarni, and S. Z. D. Cheng.

30. Light Scattering Study of Biaxiality in Nematic Liquid Crystal Tetrapodes, K. Neupane, S. W. Kang, S. Sharma, D. W. Allender, S. Kumar, S. Sprunt, T. Meyer, G. H. Mehl, and D. Carney.

31. Effects of Ionic Additives on Self-assembly of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystal Sunset Yellow, H.-S. Park, S.-W. Kang, L. Tortora, D. Finotello, S. Kumar, and O.D. Lavrentovich, 2nd International Symposium on the Manipulation of Advanced Smart Materials, Hyogo, Japan, May 28-29 (2008).

32. Effects of Ionic Additives on Self-assembly of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystal Sunset Yellow, H.-S. Park, S.-W. Kang, L. Tortora, D. Finotello, S. Kumar, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Mini-Symposium on Recent Developments in NMR, FTIR, and SHG Studies of Liquid Crystals, Osaka, Japan, May 31 – June 1 (2008).


APS March Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 10–14 (2008)

33. Light Scattering Study of Biaxiality in Nematic Liquid Crystal Tetrapodes, K. Neupane, S.-W. Kang, S. Sharma, D. Carney, T. Meyer, G. H. Mehl, D. W. Allender, S. Kumar, and S. Sprunt, Abstract V8.00005.

34. Condensation of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals by additives, L. Tortora, H.-S. Park, S.-W. Kang, S. Kumar, K.V. Kaznatcheev, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Abstract V8.00007.


Joint Meeting of Biophysical Society 52nd Annual Meeting and 16th International Biophysics Congress (IUPAB), Long Beach, CA, Feb. 2-6 (2008).

35. Magic angle 31P NMR pH titration of fluid phosphatidylinositol phosphaste/ phosph-atidycholine model membranes, E.E. Kooijman, M. Gongoda, S. Kumar, and A. Gericke.

36. Membrane organization and ionization behavior of the minor but crucial lipid ceramide-1-phosphate, E. E. Kooijman, J. Sot, L.R. Montes, A. Alonso, A. Gericke, B. deKruijff, F. Goni, and S. Kumar.

37. Structural -1-p at the air-water interface in the absence and presence of Ca2+,  E.E. Kooijman, D. Vaknin, W. Bu, L. Joshi, S.W. Kang, A. Gericke, E. Mann, and S. Kumar.

38. Phase transitions in freeze-dried systems - quantification using in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffractometry. D.B. Varshney, S. Kumar, E.Y. Shalaev, P. Sundaramurthi, S. Kang, L. A. Gatlin and R. Suryanarayanan, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Nov. 13, (2007).

39. Buffer Crystallization During Freezing and Freeze drying – Quantification by Synchrotron X-ray Diffractometry (SXRD), P. Sundaramurthi, E. Shalaev, D. Varshney, S. Kumar, S.-W. Kang, L. A. Gatlin, and R. Suryanarayanan, Denver X-ray Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, July 29 - Aug 3 (2007); Judged to be the Best Poster Presentation.


Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 29-Nov. 2 (2006)

40. Solute crystallization in frozen systems – use of synchrotron radiation to improve sensitivity, S. B. Varhsney, S. Kumar, E.Y. Shalaev, S.-W. Kang, L. A. Gatlin, and R. Suryanarayanan.

41. Glycine crystallization in frozen and freeze dried systems: Effect of pH and buffer concentration, S. B. Varhsney, S. Kumar, E.Y. Shalaev, S.-W. Kang, L. A. Gatlin, and R. Suryanarayanan

42. Anomalous behavior of ice in aqueous solutions at sub-zero temperature: synchrotron X-ray diffraction study, E. Y. Shalaev, D. B. Varshney, S. Kumar, L. Gatlin, and R. Surynarayanan, Poster at "AMORPH06 – Molecular Basis of Stability in Pharmaceutical and Food Glasses", Cambridge, UK, July 10-12 (2006).


21st International Liquid Crystal Conference, Keystone, CO, July 2-7 (2006)

43. Light scattering study of biaxial nematic phases reported in thermotropic liquid crystals, K. Neupane, S. Sharma, M Majumbdar, S.W. Kang, S. Kumar, S. Sprunt, V. Prasad and G. H. Mehl.

44. Non-contact Liquid Crystal Alignment by a Magnetic Field and the Associated Surface Memory Effect, R. Guo, K. Slyusarenko, Y. Reznikov, and S. Kumar.

45. Shape Persistent Bent Mesogens: Biaxial Molecules forming Biaxial Nematic Phases, M. Lehmann, C. Köhn, S. Kumar, S.-W. Kang, U. Kolb, T. Gorelik and D. Schollmeyer.

46. The Role of Surface Roughness Anisotropy in Liquid Crystals Alignment on Solid Substrates, S. Kumar, L. Joshi, D. M. Agra-Kooijman, J.-H. Kim and Y. Shi.

47. The nature of phases, phase transitions, and defects in achiral bent-core and Ge-tetrapodic mesogens exhibiting the biaxial nematic phase, S.-W. Kang, V. Prasad, Vishal Pandya1, L. Joshi, Q.-B. Wang, G. H. Mehl, D. Finotello and S. Kumar

48. Well-defined Light-harvesting Discotic Liquid Crystalline Porphyrins for Nanostructured Organic Photovoltaics, Q. Li1, L. Li1, X. Zhou1, J. Harden, A. Jakli1, S.-W. Kang, S. Z. D. Cheng, and S. Kumar.

49. Solute crystallization in freeze-dried formulations – from improved sensitivity to quantification via synchrotron radiation, D. B. Varshney, S. Kumar, E. Y. Shalaev, P. Sundaramurthi, S.-W. Kang, L. A. Gatlin, and R. Suryanarayanan, presented at the 2006 Users Meeting of APS, Argonne National Laboratory, IL, May 1-5 (2006).

50. Rigid V-Shaped Mesogens – Formation of Nematic Phases with Biaxial Order M. Lehmann, Ch. Köhn, T. Gorelik, U. Kolb, D. Schollmeyer, S.-W. Kang, S. Kumar, Second Southampton Symposium on Biaxial Nematics, Southampton, UK, Jan 27 (2006).

51. Shape Persistent Bent Mesogens: Biaxial Molecules forming Biaxial Nematic Phases, M. Lehmann, C. Kohn, S. Kumar, S.-W. Kang, U. Kolb, T. Gorelik, D. Schollmeyer, German LC Conference in Freiburg, March (2006).

52. The Uniaxial and Biaxial Nematic Phases, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Poster presentation at the 3 yr Review of MUCAT, Sept. 15 (2005).

53. The biaxial nematic phase in bent-core and tertrapodic mesogenic materials, S.-W. Kang, V. Prasad, L. Joshi, Q.-B. Wang, K.A. Suresh, and S. Kumar, Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals, New London, NH, June 19-24, (2005).



Conference Presentations: contd.